MCG can get you Reg BI ready

MCG can get you Reg BI ready

MCG can get you Reg BI ready
Is your firm ready for the CHANGE! The SEC’s Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) is moving full force ahead.

According to William St. Louis, SRO’s Northeast Region director for sales practice “We want to see where firms stand in advance of the June 30, 2020 compliance date” and FINRA has begun preparedness reviews. MCG Consulting is here to support your implementation efforts and get your firm ready for a successful review.


At MCG Consulting, we help firms create a culture of compliance and make compliance a source of strength. Our dynamic and bespoke technology solutions help your firm meet the challenges of our ever-changing business environment. Our team can provide you with ongoing insights and review your potential conflicts of interests impacted by Reg BI using a three-step process:

  1. Gather stakeholders from various internal groups of your firm;
  2. Designate or appoint an internal conflicts coordinator; and
  3. Identify and document your firm’s conflicts and mitigation controls.
MCG can get you Reg BI ready

Let us help you tackle and implement the component obligations of Reg BI by satisfying your Disclosure Obligation, understanding your Product Offerings and their implications, supplementing your existing suitability policies to comply with the Care Obligation, and satisfying your Conflicts Obligation.

Let’s get started. Contact us today.

Paul | MCG can get you Reg BI ready

Paul Murdock, Managing Director

Paul is a seasoned financial service professional with proven experience leading compliance engagements for broker-dealers, banks, investment advisers, hedge funds, private funds, and mutual fund companies.

email: [email protected]

MCG can get you Reg BI ready

Gus Macedo, Senior Consultant

Gus has 25 years of expertise in conducting investigations, inspections, examinations, and audits, and establishing, supervising, and monitoring compliance and risk management programs.

email: [email protected]

MCG can get you Reg BI ready